
Carrie Soto Is Back - Taylor Jenkins Reidová

Carrie Soto Is Back - Taylor Jenkins Reidová

Kód produktu:9781529152128
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Carrie Soto Is Back - Taylor Jenkins Reidová, Vydavateľ: Cornerstone, Väzba: Knihy viazané, Počet strán: 368, Rok vydania: 2022
Varianty produktu
Dostupné v 3 variantoch
Carrie Soto Is Back - Taylor Jenkins Reidová
Carrie Soto Is Back - Taylor Jenkins Reidová
Názov produktu: Carrie Soto Is Back - Taylor Jenkins Reidová
Kód produktu: 9781529152128
Dostupnosť: 10 dní
Ušetríte: 21%
Bežná cena: 27,44 €
Cena produktu: 21,95 €
Malibu v plameňoch -  Taylor Jenkins Reidová
Malibu v plameňoch -  Taylor Jenkins Reidová
Názov produktu: Malibu v plameňoch - Taylor Jenkins Reidová
Kód produktu: 9788022025126
Dostupnosť: 3-5 dní
Ušetríte: 18%
Bežná cena: 17,90 €
Cena produktu: 14,68 €
Carrie Sotová je späť - Taylor Jenkins Reidová
Carrie Sotová je späť - Taylor Jenkins Reidová
Názov produktu: Carrie Sotová je späť - Taylor Jenkins Reidová
Kód produktu: 9788022024679
Dostupnosť: 3-5 dní
Ušetríte: 18%
Bežná cena: 17,90 €
Cena produktu: 14,68 €
Dodacia lehota: 10 dní
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27,44 € Vaša cena: 21,95 €
Ušetríte: 20 %
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Carrie Soto Is Back - Taylor Jenkins Reidová, Vydavateľ: Cornerstone, Väzba: Knihy viazané, Počet strán: 368, Rok vydania: 2022


Carrie Soto is fierce, and her determination to win at any cost has not made her popular.

By the time Carrie retires from tennis, she is the best player the world has ever seen.

She has shattered every record and claimed twenty Slam titles.

And if you ask her, she is entitled to every one.

She sacrificed nearly everything to become the best, with her father as her coach.

But six years after her retirement, Carrie finds herself sitting in the stands of the 1994 US Open, watching her record be taken from her by a brutal, stunning, British player named Nicki Chan.

At thirty-seven years old, Carrie makes the monumental decision to come out of retirement and be coached by her father for one last year in an attempt to reclaim her record.

Even if the sports media says that they never liked the 'Battle-Axe' anyway.

Even if her body doesn't move as fast as it did.

And even if it means swallowing her pride to train with a man she once almost opened her heart to: Bowe Huntley.

Like her, he has something to prove before he gives up the game forever.

In spite of it all: Carrie Soto is back, for one epic final season.

In this riveting and unforgettable novel, Taylor Jenkins Reid tells a story about the cost of greatness and a legendary athlete attempting a comeback.

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