
Gwen and Art Are Not in Love - Lex Croucher

Gwen and Art Are Not in Love - Lex Croucher

Kód produktu:9781526651792
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Gwen and Art Are Not in Love, Vydavateľ: Bloomsbury Publishing, Väzba: Paperback, Počet strán: 432, Rok vydania: 2023
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Gwen and Art Are Not in Love -  Lex Croucher
Gwen and Art Are Not in Love -  Lex Croucher
Názov produktu: Gwen and Art Are Not in Love - Lex Croucher
Kód produktu: 9781526651792
Dostupnosť: 3 dni
Ušetríte: 21%
Bežná cena: 15,34 €
Cena produktu: 12,27 €
Dodacia lehota: 3 dni
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15,34 € Vaša cena: 12,27 €
Ušetríte: 20 %
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Gwen and Art Are Not in Love, Vydavateľ: Bloomsbury Publishing, Väzba: Paperback, Počet strán: 432, Rok vydania: 2023


'GWEN AND ART was exactly what I need right now - a delightful, heart-warming, hilarious historical romp, overflowing with queer panic and terrible jokes. I loved it.' ALICE OSEMAN, bestselling author of HEARTSTOPPER

'Fun and genuinely funny, with lovely friendships and first-rate dialogue. Gwen and Art may not be in love, but I fell for them both' RAINBOW ROWELL, No. 1 New York Times bestselling author of the SIMON SNOW Trilogy

Gwen, the quick-witted Princess of England, and Arthur, future lord and general gadabout, have been betrothed since birth. Unfortunately, the only thing they can agree on is that they hate each other.

When Gwen catches Art kissing a boy and Art discovers where Gwen hides her diary (complete with racy entries about Bridget Leclair, the kingdom's only female knight), they become reluctant allies. By pretending to fall for each other, their mutual protection will be assured.

But how long can they keep up the ruse? With Gwen growing closer to Bridget, and Art becoming unaccountably fond of Gabriel, Gwen's infuriatingly serious, bookish brother, the path to true love is looking far from straight ...

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