
The Change - Kirsten Miller

The Change - Kirsten Miller

Kód produktu:9780008494667
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The Change - Kirsten Miller, Vydavateľ: HarperCollins, Väzba: Paperback, Počet strán: 480, Rok vydania: 2022
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The Change - Kirsten Miller
The Change - Kirsten Miller
Názov produktu: The Change - Kirsten Miller
Kód produktu: 9780008494667
Dostupnosť: 10 dní
Ušetríte: 21%
Bežná cena: 21,94 €
Cena produktu: 17,55 €
Dodacia lehota: 10 dní
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21,94 € Vaša cena: 17,55 €
Ušetríte: 20 %
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The Change - Kirsten Miller, Vydavateľ: HarperCollins, Väzba: Paperback, Počet strán: 480, Rok vydania: 2022


The change is coming.

Nessa: The Seeker Jo: The Protector Harriett: The Punisher
With newfound powers the time has come to take matters into their own hands.

After Nessa is widowed and her daughters leave for college, she's left alone in her house near the ocean.

In the quiet hours, she hears voices belonging to the dead - who will only speak to her.

On the cusp of fifty Harriett's marriage and career imploded, and she hasn't left her house in months.

But her life is far from over - in fact, she's undergone a stunning metamorphosis.

Jo spent thirty years at war with her body.

The rage that arrived with menopause felt like the last straw - until she discovers she's able to channel it.

Guided by voices only Nessa can hear, the trio discover the abandoned body of a teenage girl.

The police have written off the victim.

But the women have not.

Their own investigations lead them to more bodies and a world of wealth where the rules don't apply - and the realisation that laws are designed to protect villains, not the vulnerable.

So it's up to these three women to avenge the innocent, and punish the guilty.

The time has come to embrace The Change.

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Knihy v angličtine

Knihy v angličtine


Máte angličtinu v malíčku alebo si ju chcete ešte zlepšiť? V kategórii knihy v angličtine nájdete tituly rôznych žánrov – populárnu beletriu pre dospelých, klasiku ako napríklad Olivera Twista od Dickensa či Veľkého Gatsbyho od Fitzgeralda, detské a fantasy knižky, krimi a mnohé ďalšie. Nechajte sa inšpirovať knihami plnými fotografií a obrázkov dizajnu interiéru či architektúry exteriérov, ktoré by ste v slovenskom vydaní hľadali iba márne.


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