
The Light in Everything: from the winner of the Yoto Carnegie Medal 2022 - Katya Balen

The Light in Everything: from the winner of the Yoto Carnegie Medal 2022 - Katya Balen

Kód produktu:9781526622983
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The Light in Everything: from the winner of the Yoto Carnegie Medal 2022 - Katya Balen, Vydavateľ: Bloomsbury Publishing, Väzba: Paperback, Počet strán: 318, Rok vydania: 2023
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The Light in Everything: from the winner of the Yoto Carnegie Medal 2022 - Katya Balen
The Light in Everything: from the winner of the Yoto Carnegie Medal 2022 - Katya Balen
Názov produktu: The Light in Everything: from the winner of the Yoto Carnegie Medal 2022 - Katya Balen
Kód produktu: 9781526622983
Dostupnosť: 10 dní
Ušetríte: 21%
Bežná cena: 14,24 €
Cena produktu: 11,39 €
Dodacia lehota: 10 dní
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14,24 € Vaša cena: 11,39 €
Ušetríte: 20 %
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The Light in Everything: from the winner of the Yoto Carnegie Medal 2022 - Katya Balen, Vydavateľ: Bloomsbury Publishing, Väzba: Paperback, Počet strán: 318, Rok vydania: 2023



'Original, compulsive, uplifting: this is another triumph for Balen' - Alex O'Connell, The Times Children's Book of the Week

'Balen's best book yet: ambitious, funny, spirited, moving, heartfelt and bold all at once.

She's a force to be reckoned with' - Ross Montgomery

From the author of October, October, winner of the Yoto Carnegie Medal 2022, comes a life-affirming story about blended families and learning to find room in your heart for new life and new love.

Tom is still quiet and timid, even though his dad has been gone for nearly two years now.

Zofia has a raging storm that makes her want to fight the whole world until she gets what she wants.

And what she wants is for scaredy-cat Tom to get out of her life.

Tom hates loud, unpredictable Zofia just as much, but he's moving into Zofia's house.

Because his mum and Zofia's dad are in love.

and they're having a baby.

Tom and Zofia both wish the stupid baby had never happened.

But then Tom's mum gets ill, and it begins to look horribly like their wish might come true.

A story of learning to trust, trying to let go and diving into the unknown with hope in your heart, with a stunning cover illustrated by CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal winner Sydney Smith.


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